Friday, March 16, 2012

Correlation Between Runners and Drinkers

I just read an article in Women’s Health about the correlation between exercisers (runners) and drinkers:

womenshealth (source)

This article says that the more people exercise, the more they drink.  They also found that the trend is particularly pronounced in active, educated women.  It discusses the issue into detail, click the above link if you want to read it. 

Interesting.  And now I know that I am not alone when I say that I run hard to be able to enjoy a glass of wine or beer.  With that being said, I keep within reason and am not drinking more than a few drinks at one time.  My crazy binge drinking days are over (or saved for trips to Vegas). 

This also leads me to my wine review of the week.  My mom brought her favorite $4.99 bottle of wine and we gave it a try:

Crane Lake Pinot Noir, 2010

$4.99, Cork, Sonoma, CA


(We forgot to take a picture before we drank it all up)

There is no description on the back of the bottle.  Booorrriiinnnng.  It just has the Government Warning from our Surgeon General telling me that I shouldn’t drink if I get pregnant and not to drink and drive.  Good advice Surgeon General.

Jeff and I agreed with my mom, this wine is pretty good for its cheap price!  It wasn’t too sweet and was not bitter or cheap tasting.  There wasn’t really anything special about it, but for a random non-special night, this is a good wine.  Good recommendation Mom!

I hope everyone has a great Friday and enjoys all the basketball games that going on (c’mon bracket, win me some $$, right now my “gut feelings” about upsets have all been wrong, ugh).  And don’t forget that tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day!!!

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