Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hill Repeats during a Wind Advisory

Tonight's run consisted of a warm up (2 mi), hill repeats (6X) at 10K pace (1.75 mi), and cool down (1.25 mi).

I really don't like hills but have forced myself to do hill repeats to get faster......

To top it off, there was a wind advisory in effect for the Denver area.  Great.  So half the time we were being pushed along by the glorious wind and the other half we were being pelted in the face with sand and other debris and held back by the blasted wind.

But Jeff and I made it home and got in a solid workout.  My thighs and lungs are still burning.  Oh and did I mention that we are still getting used to running at elevation?!?  This just means we are gonna SMOKE the half marathon we are running in St Louis in April......higgidy hellz yeah.

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